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“Die Mobilé” business theatre fills people with enthusiasm for your individual goals.

We bring visions to life for all your employees and we move your audience, nationally and internationally.

Movingly emotional and intelligently uplifting: excellent performers, emotional music, elaborate storyboards and a coherent dramatic composition rouse emotions that ensure the success of your event. Would you like to motivate your employees? We bring visions to life and show the way to your goals. Would you like to raise creative output? As pioneers in the sector of business theatre, for over 30 years we have been firing the imagination of team members and customers – perceptively, charmingly and humorously.
It doesn’t matter whether you want to keep people motivated, convey messages, improve processes or improve communication. You will very easily overcome these challenges with our business, management or change theatre. With Mobilé you can strengthen that “we” sense, practise change management or initiate process optimisation. In a completely individual manner we tackle situations, undo knots in communication, motivate people for change or prepare them for new cultural environments, for example if you operate internationally. Forms of expression, presentation and action and also volume, intonation, mimicry and gesture express your goals. Even sensitive subjects can be staged with a humorous wink or in a dramatically exaggerated manner.
Mobilé business theatre gets under your skin.

“[…] Everyone without exception was thrilled by Mobilé’s performance, including me! The troupe ensured a great atmosphere among the field sales staff, was superb in terms of dance and acrobatics and set exactly the right tone in a comedic fashion. Thank you very much for your work.”

– Dr. Britta Wurm Comunique für Mundi Pharma –

“Thank you very much for your wonderful and extraordinarily professional performance. The scenes will continue to have a positive effect for a long time to come. All our customers are thrilled. So you have more than fulfilled the specified aim.”

– Deutsche Telekom AG –

“[…] like the rest of the audience I was totally transported by the performance of “die Mobilé” theatre. I can only say from the heart “Bravissimo!” No-one who was there will forget your terrific performance.”

– Gabriele Teichmann, anlässlich des 225-jährigen Jubiläums bei Sal. Oppenheim –
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